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Frequently Asked Questions - From Prospective Digital Guides

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Q: Can anyone sign up to be a digital fishing guide on the platform?

A: No. Our team of guides and fishing industry veterans vet every prospective digital guide on the platform to review credentials and qualifications.   


Q: I am not a guide…How do I know if I am qualified to become a digital guide?

A: If you have experience teaching people to fish, writing reports, speaking at seminars, or writing fishing articles, post the links or information about these items for us to review.


Q: What if I don’t want to share my waypoints with everyone?

A: You control supply which means you control demand so you can charge more and limit buyers. You can also limit the number of tips you want to sell. Also, FishTips is not a waypoints market. Offering several coordinates to the people who purchase a tip is a great example of showing them what to look for so that they can expand themselves and find more areas. Very similar to guided fishing trips in that you are taking a limited amount of people to productive areas and teaching them how to be successful.


Q: What about people selling “my spots”?

A: Our software prevents someone from copying and pasting tip information.   Guides take anglers to their "spots" on every trip and they are probably going to tell their buddies where they went sometimes...if you aren't comfortable with sharing some locations, guiding isn't for you.  Which is ok!   We have other products in the hopper coming soon that may be a better fit for you.   


Q: What happens if someone purchases my tip but has a bad experience or the pattern disappears?

A: Anglers understand that fish move and that patterns change quickly. We have a message feature that has been very successful for eliminating frustration when a customer has a bad experience. They can message the digital guide to get more guidance in how to catch fish from that tip.   We've seen it happen so many times too where the customer will connect with the guide to book a trip for a more hands on approach!